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Ohm Handmade


Ohm Handmade

Bringing back the traditional handmade doilies with a touch of modern design, Ohm Handmade gives us the chance to take a deep breath and forget about all those empty surfaces of interiors. Don't we all miss those days when we had doilies all around our homes? Yeah, we do. Carrying a highly positive energy, our logo represents the evil eye; which is believed to keep the evil away and protect the good. So, let’s inhale a big amount of fresh air and exhale it out with an - Ohm Oh, what a healing vibration. All of our products are made by the productive women of Turkey, one by one by hand. So, they may vary minimally and perfectly from each other. If given love and care, Ohm Handmade doilies will become a piece of your inheritance for generations to come. Try your best to be gentle towards them. Repair them if needed and keep loving them even if they get old just as we do. They will carry memories (oh, and some stains!) from tea parties, babyhoods and small clumsiness' that occurred during long conversations with our loved ones. Don't replace them with anything, just give them the chance to remind you of the great times you went through together. They are made to be loved forever. May Ohm Handmade doilies bring your home abundance, healing and positive energy.