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İ-MeCe Design, as its name suggests, is a company that produces collaboratively. It acts knowing that solidarity and unity contribute to production. Like my female entrepreneur friends, it started with the birth of my daughter after 20 years of professional business life. I wanted to experience all the pleasures of raising my child and at the same time be a person she could take as an example. As someone who spent my childhood and high school years in the village, I was interested in all the handmade, natural products prepared with traditional methods that I saw around me and in my family. I would admire and try to learn about carpet weavers, wool spinners, quilt makers, rag dolls and many other handicrafts that I could not list. Of course, I didn't think much about what I would do, I started to modernize the natural, traditional products I saw in my childhood and present them to you. This is how my story started and continues.