

Luk; The iconic Maoi statues on the Chilean island of Easter have been defying life for centuries with their mysterious gaze, the meaning of which has yet to be solved. They have been standing there for 1500 years in spite of the opening and closing ages, the changing generations, and the life that has been reconstructed over and over again. When I first met them, it was their proud expressions that impressed me the most. And their carefree stance with their hands in their pockets, looking at the horizon and the sky... The tingling in my mind was the starting point of this journey that finally brought me together with you. On the way, I got my inspiration from my son Can Luka, whose name means ""life""; ""light""; ""bringer of light"" and that's how these little giant men got their name... I hope the eyes of the little men, always looking up and forward, will inspire you too. Eyes reflect the soul of a person... May you never forget to stand upright when you are tired, not to care in times of despair and to stand up despite everything;
and may Luk remind you if you forget for a moment…

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