Lab Verde Di Natura


Lab Verde Di Natura

The healing story of an architect with eczema that started in Italy.
Hello everyone, These products; inspired by my own skin experiences, my transition to natural cosmetics, and my desire to offer people a healthy life. Every time you use, you will experience nature's healing and skin health-supporting experience. My brand adventure started when the itchy dandruff on my scalp, which started at university, disrupted my comfort in life, and despite all my searches. I always returned to the beginning, and this led me to a transformation. With the stress of corporate life, I could not get any results from my investments in many material and spiritual products. This desperation pushed me to try to heal my own troubles. This brought me to the point of specialization by receiving many different trainings in the field of natural cosmetics. As someone who is interested in discovery and design in my life, I experienced a tremendous awareness while studying design in Italy and I made the following 3 values ​​​​along with naturalness: Creativity, wisdom and reliability.While sailing on Lake Como on a stormy day, I felt very at peace in that struggle. The story became clear right there. During a time when I was struggling a lot, I set out on a path that could find a solution for both myself and many people. I felt calm in the storm. I discovered that I became happier as I shared my own healing process with people.