We interpreted the red leather handmade bag, which makes every moment of life easier with its ease of use and volume, with Hatay woven fabrics. The small handbag, which serves different purposes according to usage habits, is always a practical companion not only in daily life, but also in holidays, trips and shopping. It has a volume that includes items such as phones, wallets, headphones, keys, as well as mini notepads and pens. The handle of the red women's bag, which does not damage the items inside with its sponge structure, is wide enough to pass through the wrist. Design leather bags, which reflect the most beautiful harmony of Hatay weaving and real leather, are at Hipicon! Size: 28x18 cm
Product: Antiochia - Leather Clutch With Handloomed Striped Fabric
Designer: Kai & Vrosi
Product Code: 202307ANS
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