

Once upon a time not long ago, there was a married couple who were deeply in love with each other. This couple wanted to have a child and decided to name him Kerem. After a short while, Kerem came into the world. The moment the doctor laid Kerem in his mother's arms, the big blue eyes of Kerem made his mother fell in love with him. For his mother, Kerem was the most precious thing on this earth, and she could not leave him to someone she could trust. She put everything aside, ignored what others said and started to raise Kerem on her own. She put Kerem to sleep, fed him, kissed him, hugged him, cuddled him… There were times when she cried and lost her temper as she was exhausted, but, finally, Kerem grew up and started to attend daycare center. An event held in the daycare center opened the door to a different world for his mother. She read, she wove, she drew, she erased, she sewed and she unraveled it.... When his mother was about to step into a new threshold of life, Kerem had a brother. They named him Utku. The moment the doctor laid Utku in his mother's arms, the big blue eyes of Utku made his mother fall in love with him too. Once again, the mother delayed her plans, put everything aside, ignored what others said, and started to raise Utku. She put Utku to sleep, fed him, kissed him, hugged him, cuddled him... Again, there were times when she cried and lost her temper as she was exhausted, but, finally, Utku grew up and started to attend daycare center. The mother left Utku in the daycare center. Once outside the daycare center, she ran away without looking back :))))) This time, the mother made her mind not to let the doctor lay a little cutie in her arms again :))))). The mother worked hard day and night, and finally, she turned what she had planned for four years into a reality. No wonder, the resultant was about the children as it was the children who changed the flow of the life of their mother. With "K" from Kerem and "U" from Utku, the mother created Little Ku. This is how LITTLE KU was born.

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