Yogimsa Yoga Belt:
It can be used for yoga, pilates, gymnastics and daily stretching. It is one of the important auxiliary materials used during difficult movements while doing yoga.
You can use it especially in yoga poses where you cannot lie on your feet.
You can use it as an aid in bind (binding) poses where the hands do not reach each other.
Yogimsa yoga belt is made of organic cotton. In this way, it is natural and long-lasting.
It is durable thanks to the metal belt tox. It allows you to practice safely while getting support during poses.
-It does not deform by stretching.
: 4 cm Length: 2m
Main poses used in the Yoga Belt:
Dancer pose (natarajasana): It helps you to hold your foot from the back.
Dhanurasana pose: helps to hold your feet from behind.
Pashimottanasana: It helps you get support from the feet while folding by extending forward.
Prasaritta pada uttanasana A: It helps to bring your hands together in this pose where the hands are tied behind the back and folded forward.
Pincha mayurasana: It is attached to the upper arms and prevents the elbows from opening to both sides.
Chaturanga: When switching from plank pose to chaturanga, tie it to your upper arms so that the elbows do not open to either side. You'll be surprised at how easily you switch to the chaturanga pose :)
Padhangustasana: Balance pose on one leg. It helps you keep your other foot extended forward. Look into holding the belt a little closer to your foot each time.
Bird of Pharidise pose: Helpful
marichyasana A-B-C-D for joining hands : Helps you tie your hands.
Product: Yoga Belt
Designer: Yogimsa
Product Code: 8684201630130
Product Size: Length 200 cm
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