Acey-deucy/backgammon Wall Game

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Acey-deucy/backgammon Wall Game







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 Setup: Each player has 15 checkers of their color (white or black) and arranges them on the board as follows: two on their 24-point, five on their 13-point, three on their 8-point, and five on their 6-point.
Starting the Game: The players take turns rolling a pair of dice to determine who goes first. The player with the higher roll goes first and uses the numbers rolled to move their checkers. The first move is made from the 24-point using the numbers on both dice.
Moving the Checkers: To move a checker, use the numbers rolled on the dice. You can move a checker to an open point corresponding to the number on one of the dice or split the move between two checkers. A point is considered open if it is not occupied by two or more opposing checkers.
Hitting and Reentering: If your opponent has a single checker on a point, you can hit it by moving your checker to that point. The hit checker is then placed on the bar and must reenter the game from your opponent's home board before any other moves can be made.
Bearing off: Once all your checkers are in your home board, you can start bearing them off the board. Use the numbers rolled to move your checkers to an open point within your home board. The first player to bear off all their checkers wins the game.
Doubling: During the game, either player can propose a double, indicating that they believe they will win the current game. The opponent can accept or decline the double. If declined, the opponent forfeits the game immediately. If accepted, the game continues at double the current stake.
Gammons and Backgammons: If a player bears off all their checkers before their opponent has borne off any, it is a "gammon" and counts as two points. If a player bears off all their checkers while their opponent still has checkers in their home board or on the bar, it is a "backgammon" and counts as three points.

Product: Acey-deucy/backgammon Wall Game

Designer: Archtwain

Product Code: MWG-103

Product Size: Height 9 cm x Width 48 cm x Length 67 cm

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